GSP scheme of Japan
Japan´s GSP scheme came into effect on August 1971 for an indefinite period.
The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), based on the agreement reached at UNCTAD, aims at contributing to the economic development of developing countries. GSP provides benefits to developing countries by enabling qualified products to enter the markets of preference, thereby giving reduced or free rates of duty to developed countries. Japan’s GSP started on 1 August 1971 and is effective until 31 March 2021. The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), based on the agreement reached at UNCTAD, aims at contributing to the economic development of developing countries. GSP provides benefits to developing countries by enabling qualified products to enter the markets of preference, thereby giving reduced or free rates of duty to developed countries. Japan’s GSP started on 1 August 1971 and is effective until 31 March 2021. Japan grants preferential tariff treatment under its GSP scheme to 137 developing countries and 14 territories.
Beneficiaries are designated by Cabinet Order from countries/territories requesting for preferential treatment. The latter is subject to meeting the following criteria:
• The beneficiary country or the territory must have a developing economy.
• The territory must have its own tariff and trade system.
• The country or the territory wishes to receive preferential tariff treatment under the GSP scheme.
• The beneficiaries must be prescribed by a Cabinet Order as a country or a territory to which such preferences may appropriately be extended.
Only beneficiary countries designated as least developed countries (LDCs) in the General Assembly of the United Nations are eligible for special preferential treatment for LDCs. Japan grants General Preferential Tariff (GPT) treatment for selected agricultural and fishery products in 337 items. Japan grants GSP treatment for selected industrial products in 3141 items. Various tariff reductions, including duty-free treatment, apply to certain agricultural and fishery products originating in developing country beneficiaries, except LDCs.