GSP scheme of Turkey
The Turkey's GSP came into effect on January 2002 for an indefinite period.
Turkey initiated its Generalized System of Preferences by harmonizing with the EU's GSP in the context of the Customs Union with the EU. The tariff rate is different from EU GSP scheme. Turkey grants preferential treatment to selected countries and territories that are classified as developing countries and LDCs by the World Bank, in accordance with the European Union. In order to be deemed a beneficiary of the GSP scheme of Turkey, an eligible country must undertake to comply or ensure compliance with the rules of origin under the GSP scheme of Turkey and to provide the administrative cooperation necessary to ensure their correct implementation with regard to Turkey. Such undertakings must be notified to the Ministry of Customs and Trade. Preferences are granted for all industrial products and certain agricultural products covered by the GSP scheme of the European Union. LDCs have duty-free and quota-free access to Turkish markets for all industrial products under chapters 25 to 97 (except chapter 93) of the Harmonized System, and for some agricultural products covered by the customs union between Turkey and the European Union. While all customs duties on products covered by the GSP scheme of Turkey have been suspended for the countries benefiting from special incentive arrangements in accordance with the GSP scheme of the European Union, customs duties have been suspended or reduced in accordance with the sensitivities of the products covered by GSP schemes for developing countries. Turkey has reserved the right to suspend preferential treatment for GSP products under certain circumstances.